Big Bold Brave: Living Your Life to Its Full Potential w/Clint Hatton

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Episode Description

Welcome to the Freedom Point Real Estate podcast! Today's guest, Clint Hatton, shares his story of personal and professional losses and victories and how those experiences impacted him and his company's values. He and our host, Jeremy Dyer, cover reversing toxic corporate culture, recognizing what holds you back, and realizing the necessity of passion and accountability.

Clint is an author, speaker, transformational leadership coach, and founder of BigBoldBrave. He has faced unimaginable tragedies and setbacks (including the loss of his 17-year-old son in a plane crash), but has also had some amazing experiences and victories. During his journey, he has trained and empowered over 8000 leaders, touching a diverse range of clients from non-profit organizations to Fortune 150 companies (including industry giants like Starbucks Coffee Company and Westinghouse Electric). Clint's dedication to leadership excellence has left an indelible mark on his corporate clients.










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Tip #1: Embrace Your Full Potential

"Everyone, I mean everyone, has something that's holding them back from their full potential."

Identify what holds you back and confront it head-on. Often, self-imposed limitations are the biggest barriers to achieving your true potential. By acknowledging these constraints, you can begin to overcome them and unlock new levels of success.

Tip #2: Value Time Freedom

"We talk about creating more time freedom through passive real estate investing."

Time is our most valuable resource. Investing in passive income streams like real estate can provide financial freedom and allow you to focus on what truly matters. Prioritize time management to balance professional goals and personal life effectively.

Tip #3: Face Adversity with Courage

"On September 23rd... he hit an unexpected weather system... and lost his life."

Tragedies can be transformative. Clint Heaton’s personal loss pushed him to reevaluate his life and pursue meaningful work. Facing adversity with courage can lead to profound personal growth and a renewed sense of purpose.

Tip #4: Foster Open Communication

"We've always had very strong communication... but I think when that happened, you really have to work even harder."

Effective communication is crucial in personal and professional relationships. Regular, honest conversations can prevent misunderstandings and strengthen bonds, especially during challenging times. Prioritize listening and understanding to build trust and empathy.

Tip #5: Cultivate a Growth Mindset

"We were changing as people... and so did the growth that came out of processing that trauma."

Embrace change and view challenges as opportunities for growth. A growth mindset encourages continuous learning and adaptability. This perspective is essential for both personal development and professional success.

Tip #6: Lead with Compassion

"One of the greatest things leaders can do now is really, truly know their people."

Compassionate leadership involves understanding and supporting your team members. By recognizing their individual needs and challenges, you can create a more inclusive and motivated work environment. This approach fosters loyalty and improves overall productivity.

Tip #7: Encourage Creative Expression

"There's a creative genius in everybody. I truly believe that."

Everyone has unique talents and perspectives. Encourage creative expression within your team to drive innovation and problem-solving. A culture that values creativity can lead to groundbreaking ideas and solutions.

Tip #8: Promote Collaboration

"Collaboration, like what you and I are doing right here... has the ability to impact people in a way that one person can't."

Collaboration brings diverse skills and viewpoints together, leading to more comprehensive and effective solutions. Foster a collaborative culture by promoting teamwork and open communication across all levels of your organization.

Tip #9: Practice Conscious Leadership

"Conscious leadership... being very aware of not just how you lead, but the impact you're truly having on people."

Conscious leadership is about being mindful of your actions and their effects on others. Seek feedback and strive for continuous improvement in your leadership style. This approach can enhance team morale and drive better results.

Tip #10: Build a Support Network

"Find a coach... a friend who's doing business well... somebody to help you."

Having a support network is vital for personal and professional growth. Surround yourself with mentors and peers who can offer guidance, accountability, and encouragement. Their insights and support can help you navigate challenges and achieve your goals.


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